
The Challenge

There is a wealth gap in America. At Young Wall Street Traders, we exist to bridge the wealth gap for Black and Latino students.

A white American family has an average of 10 times the wealth of an Black family and the wealth gap continues to grow year over year. And while there may be endless contributing factors, one critical factor we must address is the generational mindset. Whether you come from upper, middle or lower class, you inherit a mindset that can keep you bound to an economic class.

Our Solution

If we are going to close the wealth gap for Black and Latino Americans, we must start with the mindset.

Young Wall Street Traders takes Black and Latino students through a generational wealth mindset immersion where we inspire new wealth mindsets and encourage everyday wealth conversations.

Young Wall Street Traders Bootcamp

Our Pillars

We provide students with an invaluable opportunity to gain financial empowerment and build a strong foundation for wealth creation by focusing on four pillars:

  1. Wealth Building: We equip students with practical skills in investing and trading, setting the stage for long-term financial success.

  2. Financial Literacy: Our programs deepen understanding of crucial financial concepts, enabling smarter money management decisions.

  3. Real-World Application: We don’t just teach theory; students apply their learning in simulations that mirror real-world financial markets.

  4. Empowerment: Knowledge is power. Our students gain confidence in navigating the financial world, crucial for future endeavors.

  • Our comprehensive curriculum is expertly crafted into five distinct modules, which cover everything from the foundational principles of wealth building to the intricacies of long-term investing and short-term trading.

    ■ Module 1: The Wealth Choice: Why Build Wealth?

    ● Explore the critical principles of wealth building and understand their real-life applications for achieving long-term financial prosperity.

    ■ Module 2: Building a Foundation for Wealth: The Importance of Financial Literacy

    ● Delve into essential financial literacy skills, crucial for personal wealth management and informed economic decisions.

    ■ Module 3: Stock Market Basics: Talk Like the Wall Street Pros

    ● Learn essential stock market terms and strategies, emphasizing the importance of discipline and strategic thinking in successful investing.

    ■ Module 4: Wealth Building Strategy I: Long-Term Investing

    ● Gain insights into long-term investing, focusing on strategies for sustainable wealth growth and the power of patience in finance.

    ■ Module 5: Wealth Building Strategy II: Short-Term Trading

    ● Master the fundamentals of short-term trading, including rapid market analysis and risk management, for effective decision-making in a fast-paced environment.

  • ■ Interactive Workshops: Learn about budgeting, savings, and credit management through engaging sessions.

    ■ Stock Market Simulations: Compete in simulated trading competitions using real-world scenarios, enhancing understanding and strategy.

    ■ Expert Guidance: Get insights from professionals about long-term investing and short-term trading.

    ■ Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers and mentors, building a network that supports future financial endeavors.

    ■ Hands-On Learning: Analyze and discuss stocks of well-known companies, applying theory to tangible examples.

    ■ We currently offer two-week bootcamps in-person in Atlanta, Georgia and Memphis, Tennessee and virtual bootcamps nationally.

  • ■ Personal Financial Plan: A comprehensive understanding and practical experience in managing personal finances, including budgeting, savings, and credit.

    ■ Ready-to-Invest Portfolio: A self-developed diversified stock portfolio, tailored to their financial goals and ready for real-world investment.

    ■ Advanced Financial Literacy: Enhanced skills in financial communication, with the ability to understand and articulate complex financial terms and concepts.

    ■ Finance Career Foundations: Essential skills and knowledge for pursuing entry-level positions in the investments industry.

    ■ Finance Career Pathway: A direct connection to further training and opportunities for placements in Wall Street firms.
